Outdoor maths
We took our learning about angles outside today! We worked in groups to create set of angles using sticks. The other groups then had to work out what order they should be in from smallest to largest.
Sensory lesson!
Recently in English we have been doing some work based on David Attenborough's Blue Planet. To bring our learning to life and immerse ourselves in all things "under the sea", we had a sensory based lesson where the children had to create vocabulary banks by using their senses when exploring each station. The stations comprised of:
- a sand and water tray
- Shells
- Seaweed
- Underwater sounds
- A fish!
It was very exciting and the children loved it!
Ancient Mayan Hot Chocolate!
In Summer 1, we discovered lots about the Ancient Maya. One of the most interesting things is that they are known for their creative use of the cocoa bean. They used to make hot chocolate from it... but not quite the hot chocolate we know and love today! The children had a go at making and tasting their our Ancient Mayan Hot Chocolate.